迫り来る守護者 Guardians at the Gates
(通路・アビス 昼)
Passageway | Daytime
コンスタンツェ: はあ、はあ……!日頃の運動不足が祟って、足が……!
Constance: Oh, my poor, abused legs! I have been remiss to neglect my lower...body exercise as of late...
ユーリス: おい、もう少しでアビスだ、踏ん張れ!……ああクソ、こんなことになるとは!
Yuri: Don't give up―we're almost back to Abyss! What a damn mess we've gotten ourselves into...
ハピ: 諦めて宝杯、返せばいーじゃん。あのデカいのに投げつけようよ。
Hapi: We should give up. Just throw the chalice at the big one and be done with it. It doesn't seem like they're gonna ease off.
If that doesn't work, I guess we're dead.
コンスタンツェ: おーっほっほ! 私は諦めませんわよ!死ぬまで死んだりしませんわ!
Constance: Ahaha! I think not! I shall never surrender! I shall not die until I have achieved my glorious aim!
バルタザール: 本当にしつこく追っかけてきやがるな、あの気味悪い人形どもは……!
Balthus:: For crying out loud... Those creepy toy things must love a good chase. They won't let up!
ユーリス: 魔道で作られた幻影みたいなもんもいる。宝杯を守るための仕掛けか……
Yuri: Not to mention the enemies that look like phantoms. Further measures to protect the chalice, I'm sure.
Maybe Hapi's right, and this won't stop so long as we have the artifact.
アッシュ: も、もしあれをアビスまで連れていったら、街が大変なことに……
Ashe: We can't lead them back to Abyss, or the people there will be in danger!
Choice 1: 迎え撃とう Let's fight them.
ユーリス: ああ……よし、もう少し走るぞ。敵を食い止めるのに都合のいい場所がある!
Yuri: Agreed. But first, let's run a bit farther. I know a good place to keep the enemy at bay.
Choice 2: 是非もなし There's nothing we can do.
ユーリス: 馬鹿かッ! 都合のいい場所まで敵を引きつけて迎え撃つしかねえだろ!
Yuri: Are you daft, or is this a test? We obviously need to lead our enemy somewhere that gives us the advantage and then face them head on!
Choice 3: 手放そう Let's give it back.
ハピ: さんせー。ユリーもそれでいいじゃん?
Hapi: Good call. Are you OK with that, Yuri-bird?
ユーリス: よくねえよ……とにかくもう少し走るぞ!敵を止めるのに都合のいい場所を知ってる。
Yuri: Of course not Let's keep running just a bit longer. I know a good place to keep the enemy at bay.
バルタザール: ……! あの仕掛け扉か!確かにクソ頑丈だったな。拳が砕けるかと。
Balthus: Oh yeah! The gates! They're so damn sturdy I nearly broke my priceless fist on one once.
コンスタンツェ: 殴ったんですの!?何で貴方はいつもそう……!
Constance: You punched one? Like a brute?! Ugh! Why must you always behave in such an infantile manner?
ハピ: 殴れば見極められると思ってんでしょ。ほんとバカじゃん。
Hapi: He probably thought that was the best way to test its sturdiness. He doesn't have bad intentions, he's just that dumb.
ユーリス: おい、バルタザール……仕掛けが壊れてたらてめえを人形に食わせてやるからな!
Yuri: Balthus. If you broke the mechanism, I'm sacrificing you to the creepy doll.